Yoga is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. Today in India and across the World, Yoga is a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to both physical health and spiritual mastery. Karma Yoga (yoga of Action), Jnana Yoga (yoga of Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (yoga of Devotion), and Raja Yoga (yoga of Meditation) are considered the four main paths of Yoga
Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga a system of Yoga that developed from - and in order to prepare students for the practice of - Raja Yoga. The word "yoga" derives from the Sanskrit root yuj ("to yoke"); which is cognate to modern English "yoke". All derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *yeug- meaning "to join" or "unite". It is generally translated as "union of the individual atma (loosely translated to mean soul) with Paramatma, the universal soul." This may be understood as union with the Divine by integration of body, mind, and spirit.